Her website is https://www.prosperitycareercoaching.com/

Who are you?
Why are you here?
How can you share your gifts?
You are a creative being. 
Your process of discovery changes over time. 
That is not only OK, it is MARVELOUS! 
In that space of not knowing the future,
you will be open to discovering the next iteration of your SELF.

“Victoria Reeves is a CREATIVITY/CAREER COACH, STORYTELLER/PRODUCER and the HOST of SOUL STORIES LIVE.  Her passion and her gift is empowering others to tell their unique stories.”
Aaron Masliansky, Producer/Host of Inside the Skev Podcast

With 20+ years experience, I will gladly
sit with you in the grey area,
provide you with tools to clarify your personal and professional goals and
help you figure out your next steps moving forward.  
Together, we may carve out a new career path, craft an entrepreneurial venture that incorporates your gifts. explore volunteering options that speak to your spirit.or create a life that gives you freedom to explore your passions.
Our tools will include writing, talking, processing, and doing career exploration exercises, Morning Pages, Mind-Mapping, Find Your Joy Worksheets, ​Vision Boards ​or other iterative experiences.

“VICTORIA is also an experienced BUSINESS WRITER who can help you tell your STORY on your Resume, Cover Letter, Personal Statement, Interview Practice, Elevator Pitch, TED Talk or at a Live Lit Stortyelling event.”
Long term Client – Mort N., Digital Storyteller/Motion Graphics Expert,


“Working with Victoria Reeves is TRANSFORMATIVE, AUTHENTIC and FREEING.” 
Long term Client – Kate M (MS Nutrition Science, Entrpreneur, Educator)


Call: 206-617-5677